Numbers and Currency
Always use numerals to write numbers. Don't express numbers in words.
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Note: There may be exceptions, like certain casual expressions: "You're one in a million" or when you want to give weight to a number like "Repay at ZERO interest"
Be specific
Ordinal numbers
Spell out ordinal numbers from 1-10: first, second, fourth, tenth. After ten, you can use numerals with a superscript suffix: 11th, 12th, 121st, and so on.
Examples: To denote rank, recurrence etc
Every second Saturday
You are the first person
You came 12th on our weekly leaderboard
Using commas, words, or abbreviations
For | What to do |
< 999 | Write it as usual |
Between 1,000 and 99,999 | Write with one comma like 1,000 or 10,999. |
Between 99,999 and 99,99,999 | Write the full number 4,50,000 |
Above 1,00,00,000 | Write “1.3 crores” Write the full number only if there are non-zeroes after the second digit Abbreviate to “1.3Cr” if there is a space constraint |
Masking sensitive data
Use * to mask card numbers, mobile numbers, FD account numbers, email IDs etc.
Percentages should be written with “%” and not “percent”. No spaces. For ranges, use a dash as connector. If there are space constraints, you may omit the spaces next to the dash.
Fractions and decimals
Spell out easy fractions like half, two-thirds.
If a fraction can’t be written in an easy way, use a decimal up to 2 decimal places
Note: Currently, our Squad Earnings page is an exception to this rule
Phone numbers
Mobile numbers
Write mobile numbers with a single space after first 5 digits. Follow this for mobile number input fields as well. This is to improve readability of the number.
98765 43210
Landline numbers
Write landline numbers with a single space after first 4 digits.
2635 4359
Add STD codes +91 or city codes like 033 with a space. Don’t use dash.
+91 98765 43210
033 2635 6927
As a financial app, currency is very important for us to get right. We must be consistent in how we denote currency throughout the app.
Follow Indian denominations for numbers and currency eg lakhs, crores not millions, billions
Use rupee symbol ₹, not ‘INR’ or ‘Rs.’ or ‘rupees’.
For negative amounts, place the minus symbol, with a space, in front of the currency symbol.
Both ‘lakh’ and ‘lac’ are correct but we will use lakh since it’s used on the RBI website