

Welcome to the LazyPay Content Style Guide, created in Jan 2022. Designers, writers, UX researchers, product managers, engineering teams, marketing teams, customer support and several other functions at LazyPay can use these guidelines for customer-facing communications across all channels.

Please note, these guidelines are ever-evolving. As we write more, test more and learn more, we will keep improving and getting better.

Why a content style guide?

  1. Increase efficiency
    Non-writers can write placeholder copy that is free of style, syntax and hygiene issues. All that's left is a review by the UX writer. This speeds up things and reduces dependency when it comes to smaller writing tasks.

  2. Make decisions faster
    Use it as a reference for making decisions on content. If there's ever confusion about how to say a certain thing, use these guidelines as a source of truth.

How to use Content Guidelines

Grammar and mechanics

  • Refer to dates, times, currency, numbers, formatting and all the granularities of UX copy.
  • Confused about how to write a product or feature name? Double check here.
  • Don't know how to spell a certain word? Check our ever-growing word list.

TLDR Checklist

All text should follow these basic rules, regardless of the tone. Use this quick checklist for all copy:

  1. Is the value to the user clear?
  2. Is the copy as short as possible?
  3. Am I talking like a friend?


If you have any questions while using this, feel free to visit the #design-system-queries channel and post your queries. We're here to help!

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